Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012
Parody of The Twilight Saga by students of X9 grade Yogyakarta 2nd State SHS: Twinlight
Setting: Park
It’s about
Bellas’s life. She is a very beautiful girl who loves isolating from people
because she thinks when she is alone she is feeling calm. She loves reading
very much and hates talk much. She is addicted in dark color. Almost everyday
she wears black and brown clothes. But I don’t know if both colors she only
has. Everyone just knows that Bella is a tomboy. She hates wears skirt since he
was child. She has a pat, a female owl named Guweg. Guweg is a loyal pet, she
always right in Bella’s side since Bella’s parents were still alive.
But today
Bella cannot spend her whole time she wants in the park. She has to do all
stuffs at home. The stuffs have to be done by a wife, but she works on them.
Bella: Oh My
Godness (while looking at the watch)
Setting: home
She then runs as fast as she can. She is
trying get home before her step mother and two step sisters get there. But
unluckily, they have got there before her. So here, the trouble more and more
comes to her.
Mother : Well it’s about
2:03.p.m and you are late about 3 minutes. So you have to work there times more
Bella : I’m sorry…. I
won’t do this anymore….But please don’t put more works for me….
Nancy : Just do it now! Or
you’ll get no dinner tonight.
So, she has to
do everything, sweeping the floor, watering the flower, washing the clothes
until midnight. Everybody had got bed off, but Guweg still with her. They keep
talking while finish Bella’s works.(Bella is sweeping the floor)
Guweg : Just go to your bed soon.
Bella : No, I don’t want to get more troubles.
Guweg : But you seem so tired. Or get some drinks
first before you continuo this.
Bella : Do you think it will happen forever?
Or it will be ended.
Guweg :God only knows about
this. But believe nothing impossible happiness will come. Just wait the
Bella : But how long?
Guweg cannot
reply her. She keep working tonight. Until dawn she has just got the bed. About
4.a.m she must start to do everything again before she goes to the campus.
campus, canteen
Today is her
new day in the new campus, she has just moved from Texas, her both step sisters
begged to move so they moved. At lunch time at the canteen everybody usually
spends their time there to get lunch and has chats with others. When bella and
her new friends are enjoying some jokes, everybody’s mind moves to someone,
Edward. He is a mega supa dupa good looking boy this century.
Tera : Are got hypnotized by him?
Bella : *surprised* oh. Nope.
Tera : *little laughing*
He is Edward. He is rich of face and money. He lives at an elite and luxurious
apartment with his family.
*Edward families entered the room*
Tera : they are Lucy
and John, John has proposed Lucy, and the celebration to be the best engagement
in New York. They are following by Shelly and Scott they failed to hold their
engagement but they are still holding their relationship.
Bella : Why?
Tera : No one knows
about it. They are very mysterious. But only Edward has no mate. May be he is
waiting for me *laughing*
Setting: Biology laboratory
After lunch Bella has to join Biology class. And now she has a
Mr.campbell : Please
take the microscope on your left side and the prepared preparation and back to
your seat. Observe the preparation. Draw it and analyze it.
*Edward entering the room, Bella doesn’t realize that*
Bella :
*checking notes* *opening book* *panic* where are you?
Edward : Anaphase.
Bella :
*wears glasses* *the eyes are shining*
Edward :
*frightened* *run away* Ghooooooooooooooooooost!!
*Everybody runs away*
Bella :
*confused* What happens? Okay. I’m cabut.
Setting: On the Way
She is
forgetting what happened today. She is playing with a can. And beat that until
the can kicks someone’s head.
Jacob : ouccch!
Bella : *panic* Oh I’m so sorry. Does it
Jacob : It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m fine.
Bella : Well………I’m bella.
Jacob : Just Jacob.
Bella : Ok Just Jacob.
Jacob : I mean Jacob. Call me Jacob
Bella : Oh I see…….
Jacob : Where do you live?
Bella : Straight on that left T-junction
Jacob : Well, get on. I’m going to deliver
Bella : Oh..no thanks. I can walk myself.
Jacob : Well actually I’m going to go to the
minimarket of that T-junction.
Bella : Well okay
Setting: Home
*keluar mobil*
Bella : Thank you for the ride
Jacob : No problem
Bella : Bye
Jacob : *waving hands*
Bella doesn’t
realize that the step mother and step two sisters are peeping on her. Bella
open the door and welcomed by them.
Mother : Hem hem! Who is he? Your boyfriend?
Bella : No he is a man who lives near to the
garage. Or he works there I don’t know.
Jennifer : So your boyfriend is a mechanic? *laughing
Mother : Your life will dark
as your boyfriend *yelling and tossing*. Go straight to your daily works. Jerk.
Setting: Backyard
Bella : Hi, guweg!
Guweg : Hi, welcome to your
new relationship!
Bella : What do you
Guweg : Someone has just
delivered you, right?
Bella : *little
laughing* yeah but that’s not my boyfie at all.
Guweg : How unlucky. She is a
perfect boy. His body is so……*mempraktikan*
Bella : stop your jokes
Guweg, just sing for me.
*bella sambil nyampu/nyuci/masak*
Setting: Bella’s room
Before she
sleeps something appears to her mind. Two boys suddenly appeared in her new
day. Edward he is a cool boy and smart. Jacob, a handsome boy that has a six
packs body. She suddenly says
Bella : Who will I choose? *laughing at
Finally she is
sleepy and getting sleep. In the middle of the sleeping, a dream appears.
Edward : Here come to me baby…
Jacob : No bella no, right here if you are a
straight girl
Edward : I love you so much bella
Jacob : I love you more than him….
Edward : Come closer….closeer……closeeer….
Jacob : Come…..comee…come…come to me and
Bella then
wakes. She takes a deep breath
Setting: Front
a horn sounds. Bella gets out and faces Jacob’s car. Unbeliveable Jacob picks
her. As usual Mom and two sisters are peeping among the window. Bella enter the
car and start talking on the way campus.
Jacob : Is it okay picked you up?
Bella : Sure. No matter.
Jacob : Would you if I do this again
Bella : Don’t bother yourself.
Jacob : I’m not bothering
Setting: Campus
The car gets
to the front yard. Edward watches from far. He looks disappointed. Bella has a
boyfriend. Then he goes.
Bella : Thank you for your bother
Jacob : Sure, It is a nice bother I’ve ever
Tera goes on
her. And ask.
Tera : Is he your boyfriend?
Bella : What do you think?
Tera : Yes he is.
Bella : He is not. He is the boy that I
hurted yesterday. I beat a can and it’s kick his head.
Tera : How jerk you are! *laughing
Setting: canteen
Edward comes
near to Bella’s seat.
Edward : Can I sit here?
Bella : Just do
Both of them
are silent and quiet and no talking
Ed and Bell: So….
When they
start talking they talk in the same time.
Edward : You first
Bella : So, what’s your name?
Edward : Ed, Edward. You?
Bella : Just Bella
Edward : Ok Just Bella.
Bella : I mean Bella
Edward : this morning is your boyfriend delivered
Bella : No he is not my boyfriend.
Edward : *balik badan* Alhamdulillah ya Allah…..
Bella : What?
Edward : Nothing. So will you enjoy tonight party?
Bella : Party!!!!!! *shock*
Edward : *tutup telinga* yes!!!! A party!!!!!
Bella : I haven’t known it yet
Edward : It has published yesterday and it’s
Bella : well, I’ll think it later.
Setting: home,
In the
afternoon, after she has finished all her works she sits and stares at the sky.
She looks very unsure.
Guweg : What’s sticking on your mind?
Bella : I have an annual party tonight. But
how will I go there..
Dimly, heard
Nancy and Jennifer are talking about the same party tonight. But they have
prepared everything.
Bella : You hear that?
Guweg : Calm down. You’ll be there tonight.
Bella : But how? It is big impossible.
Guweg : Everything will be possible. Now close
your eyes.
Bella : What will you do?
Guweg : Just close and shut up
Bella : *closing eyes*
Guweg : Well now I’m going to
count from 1 until 100. Then you can open your eyes. One, two, three, a
hundred. *guweg change into human being*
Bella : Hey who are you?
Where’s guweg?
Guweg : I’m Guweg.
Bella :
Guweg : I know my full name.
Guweg Raharjo Triatmonggo Asri.
Bella : Yes, Guweg…
Guweg : Hahahaha. Now turned
away! *baca mantra*
Bella : How beautiful I
am. Thank you Guweg
Guweg : No problem. But
listen. In the midnight your couple, Ed will be a vampire and you’ll change
into a vampire too. If you don’t want to change you have to back home before
Setting: campus hall
Bella enters
the hall and automatically everybody stares on her and also both of her step
sisters. Then Edward comes straight to her and asks her to be his couple. The
dance until the clock hand beat 12.00 but Bella forgets what Guweg has told to
Bella and
Edward are looking each others. They are all falling in love. At 12.00 exactly
they both change into a couple of vampires but they are enjoying that. And they
live happily ever after.
Indonesian Folktale: Lake Lau Kawar

long long time ago, everybody in the Kawar village was happy. The farmers had
just their best harvest. The villagers were planning to hold a party to
celebrate the good harvest. On one beautiful day, all the villagers gathered in
a field. They wore beautiful dresses and made delicious food. Everybody was
having good times! They were singing, laughing, and of course, eating delicious
everyone go to the party? Unfortunately, there was one old woman still staying
at her house. She was too old and weak to go to the party. Her son, her
daughter-in-law, and her grandchildren all went to the party. At home, the old
woman felt very sad and lonely. She was very hungry too. She tried to find some
food in the kitchen, but she was very disappointed. Her daughter-in-law did not
cook that day. At the party, the son asked his wife, “Why don’t you take some
food from the party and give it to my mon? Ask our son to deliver it.” Then the
little boy brought the food to his grandmother. The old woman was so happy. But
her happiness turned into sadness when she saw the food was not in a good
condition. It seemed that someone had eaten the food. She just got little rice
and fish bones.
old woman was very sad. She tought bad things about her son. The old woman did
not know that it was her grandson who had eaten the food on the way from the
party to the house. She cursed her son. Then, a terrible thing happened. There
was a great earthquake! Thunders struck the village. And heavy rains started to
fall. All the villagers were so scared. They wanted to save themselves. They
tried to find shelters. Slowly, the field turned into a lake. The lake was
getting bigger and bigger, and finally the whole village turned into a big
lake. People then named the lake
Lau Kawar.
English Drama: Cindellari and Prince Rakus
Cindellari and Prince Rakus
By: Nafila Alifia Azka
A long long time ago, there wa a
handsome boy named Cindellari. He was an athlete. However, he lost his mother.
His mother was passed away. His father got married again and went away. He left
Cindellari. Then, he lived with his step mother and step brothers. But, they
treated him like a servant.
Oneday, Queen Icasia held a ball
to find a mate for Princess Fiona. Cindellari wanted tp go to the party, but
her step mother and her step brothers didn’t allow him. Helped by fairy God
mother, Cindellari could go to the party. But, he had to come back home before
12:00 PM, because the magic would be disappeared at 12:00 PM.
After 12:00 PM at midnight,
Cindellari left the palace. However, accidentally, he left one of his boot.
Princess Fiona who had fallen in love with him was holding a contest to find
the owner of that boot. The right boy would be married by her.
Princess Fiona : Harry, last night I
found this boot in the palace yard. Is it yours?
Harry : No,
my little sister. I don’t have boot like that.
Antoinette : Maybe, it’s
belongs to one of our guests on the ball last night.
Princess Fiona :
It could be. And obviously, my heart says that it’s belongs to the charming
boy who was dancing with me.
Prince Harry :
Do you fall in love with him?
Princess Fiona :
Yeaaaahhhh… I think so.
Princess Antoinnete :
How if you held a competition to find the owner of that boot?
Princess Fiona :
Briliant! When I find the owner of that boot, I promise that I wanna marry
When Cindellari tried that
special boot, it was fits and Cindellari also had its pair. Princess Fiona
immediately proposed Cindellari to be her husband.
Princess Fiona : OMG!!! That boot fits on your feet and
you have its pair too. (surprising)
Cindellari :
Yeaaahhh… It’s mine. That time, I ran hurriedly because I had to back home
soon. Then accidentally, I left it.
Fiona : I know,
I know. So, will marry me? (kneel in
front of Cindellari)
Cindellari : I’d love
to, Your Majesty.
After that, Princess Fiona took
Cindellari to the palace. There, he met Princess Fiona’s mother, Queen Icasia.
Prince Harry : (Stand up and appointing Cindellari) “Who is he, Fiona?”
Fiona : “He’s the man who will be
my husband.”
Queen Icasia : “Are you sure? You choose a woman like this to
be your wife?”
Princess Fiona : “Yes, we love each other.” (Cindellari and Princess Fiona stare at each other,
and smiling.)
Prince Harry : “What? You choose a man like that? With
a servant faces? What
the worm says?”
Cindellari : “What the world says, Prince.”
Prince Harry : “Yeah. I mean that.”
Princess Fiona : “Although his style
like a servant, but her heart like 24 carats gold”
Queen Icasia : “You said that his heart
like a rusty gold? But, Fiona. I’ve been found a good match for you. He is a Prince from Far Far Away Kingdom.”
Fiona : “But, Mom . . . .”
Prince Harry : “He is so handsome. If our
kingdom unite with Far Far Away Kingdom, it’ll be very biiiiiiiiigggg kingdom.”
Queen Icasia :"Yes,
your brother is right"
Fiona : “But I really love him, Mom.”
Icasia : “No, you can’t! You must marry Prince
Fiona : “What? Rakus? Weird name. But I
Icasia : “You must want it!”
Princess Fiona : “I want. Upss... I won’t!”
Icasia : “What a sinful girl you are!”
Prince Fiona : “Wait, why it’s like Malin Kundang?”
Icasia : “Hey, what a rude you are!"
Antoinette : (Enter the room) “Stop..!! What
happen here? Who’s that boy?”
(Appointing Cindellari)
Fiona : “She’s my boyfriend, my sister.”
Princess Antoinette : “Oh, he’s your boyfriend. So, is he the winner in the boot contest?”(Look at Cindellari’s boots)
Prince Fiona : “Yes, my sister. He also has the pair of the boot.”
Icasia : “But I’ve been found a good match for Fiona! He’s Prince Rakus from Far Far Away Kingdom.”
Antoinette : ”Well, It’s all up to Fiona!”
Icasia : “But, Antoinette. I disagree with your decision. Princess Fiona marry the boy like that? Oh no, don’t be crazy, Antoinette!”
King Kong : (Enter the hall) “Enouuuuuggggghhhh... I have heard all about this and it’s makes me
mad, Icasia. Don’t argue
about this anymore! Let’s find the right way to solve this problem. Don’t use
your emotion. How if we make a
Rakus : (Stand up) “What’s the competition, Your Majesty?”
King Kong : “If you win the competition, you will
marry Princess Fiona. If that boy to be a winner, he will marry her. Who’s disagree with my decision?”
Rakus : “Okay, fine, I accept it, Your Majesty.”
Icasia : “What? You accept that weird competition?”(Angry)
Rakus : “Don't worry. I’m sure that I can defeat him”.
Cindellari : (Raise his hand)
King Kong : “What happen, young boy?
You disagree with my decision?”
Cindellari : “I agree with your decision, Your
Princess Antoinette : “And then, why did you raise your hand?”
Cindellari : “Actually, I disagree if you call me
‘that boy’. Because I have name too.”
Princess Antoinette : “Oh yeah. You haven’t introducing
yourself. What’s your name??”
Cindellari : “My name is Cindellari.”
Prince Harry : “Cindellari? Chimney boy. The most weird name I ever heard. Look at yourself! You are suitable to get that
Cindellari : “Actually it’s just my nickname. That
name given by my wicked step mother and step brothers.”
Antoinette : “Okay okay, I get it....”
King Kong : “And then, what’s your real name?”
Cindellari : “But, my real name is too long.”
King Kong : “Just say that!”
Cindellari : “My real name is Sinto Sinting
Mocu Picchu Schrodinger Newton Abrakadabra Robert Brown Strasburger Heisenberg
de Broglie.”
Rakus : “But, my name is longer than Cindellari. I can say it now.”
Antoinette : “Stop! Why we talk about name?”
(All people
be quite for a while)
King Kong : “What about you, Princess? Do you agree?”
Fiona : “I agree with all of daddy’s decision.”
King Kong : “Right, the competition will be started at 9.00 AM tomorrow till end.”
Princess Antoinette : “Well, what the competition, Dad?”
King Kong : “There is two competition:
1). Cooking competition
2). And the one competition is still secret
Are you ready?”
Cindellari & P. Rakus : “Readyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!”
King Kong : “Right, see you tomorrow. Bye! “(Leave the room)
\Queen Icasia and Pricess Rakus have a bad intention to Cindellari. They make a plan to lose Cindellari on the competition.
Queen Icasia : “We must make a plan to lose Cindellari in the competition.”
Rakus : “Yes, I agree with you.”
Icasia : “Come here, I’ll whisper you.”
Rakus : “That’s a briliam idea!”
Icasia : “Briliant.”
Rakus : “Yeah, I mean that.”
Icasia & Prince Rakus : “Ha ha ha
ha ha . . . .” (Leave
the room)
In the morning, when the competition will be started. . . .
King Kong : “Are you ready for the first competition?”
Cindellari & P. Rakus : “Of course wer’re ready . . . .”
King Kong : “The first competition is cooking
King Kong, Queen
Icasia, Princess Fiona, Princess Antoinette, and Prince
were sitting in the dinning room.
They were argue about the winner.
Prince Harry : “Hmm... Do you think who will be the
Icasia : “Prince Rakus of course. He is a master cheff He must be the winner.”
Antoinette : “What? Don’t be joking, Mom.”
Icasia : “Whatever!”
King Kong : “Enough! Don’t fighting! You can see
it later!”
While in the kitchen, Cindellari and Prince Rakus were busy to cook.
Cindellari would go to the rest room, so he left his cuisine.
Cindellari : “Prince Rakus, would you mind if I entrust my cuisine to you? I wanna go to the rest room.”
Rakus : “Okay. Trust me! Don’t worry.”
When Cindellari went to the rest room, Prince Rakus had a dirty
trick to defeat Cindellari. Prince
Rakus put salt, sugar, pepper,
teriyaki sauce, ketchup, and
mayonnaise on Cindellari’s cuisine. She hopes, Cinderella’s food be come
undelicious. But, accidentally She forgetted put her cuisine with salt.
Then, Cindellari back to the kitchen.
Cindellari : “Thank you, Rakus.“
Prince Rakus : “Never mind. Cindellari, I saw a fly flied on your cuisine, so I expelled it. But now it’s gonna be okay.”
Cindellari : “Oh, thanks so much, Rakus.”
After Prince Rakus and
Cindellari finished to cook,
they brought their cuisines to the dinning room.
Cindellari : “Wish you enjoy it, Madam!”
King Kong : “Thank you (Try Cindellari’s
cook) Emm . . . .What
a yummy and sexy food it is!!! Fiona, try it. It’s delicious.”
Fiona : “Wow, it is the most delicious I
ever eat.”
Rakus : “It’s impossible. My cuisine
is the most delicious.
Please, try it!”
(Everyone try Rakus’ dish)
Queen Icasia : No, Rakus’ cuisine is the most delicious
food. And Cindellari’s is far from delicious.
Princess Antoinette : “Mom, do you have problem with your tongue? This food is not
delicious . You said it is good?”
Fiona : “Yeah, Antoinette is right.”
King Kong : “Well, It is the time for me to decide
who is the winner. The winner is……….. Cindellari. Now. The score is 1-0. Give applause for him!”
Antoinette : “Congratulation, Cindellari!”
Cindellari : “Thank you, Antoniette.”
Queen Icasia was
angry. She shouted at Prince Rakus because he couldn’t defeat Cindellari.
Queen Icasia : “Rakus. Rakuuuusssss...
What happened with you. Why Cindellari’s food became delicious?”
Prince Rakus : “I’m, sorry Nyai. Oh, I mean Queen. I was put the salt,
sugar, pepper, teriyaki sauce, ketchup, and mayonnaise on Cindellari’s cuisine. But I don’t
know why his cuisine became delicious.”
Queen Icasia : “What? How stupid you are. You know, what you put on Cindellari’s
cuisine just made his more delicious.”
Rakus : “Sorry Queen.”
Icasia : “Well, It’s okay. We have to make a new plan for next competition.”
The next morning,
everyone were gathering in the palace yard. King Kong would give the second
competition for Cindellari and Prince Rakus.
Rakus : “Yesterday, you said that the last competition was still secret. Well. What is that?”
King Kong : “The third competition is running competition. Now you may start
to run. 0.22222222 seconds from now!”
(Cindellari and Prince Rakus run)
(Cindellari and Prince Rakus run)
Queen Icasia : “Come on, Rakus!
Hurry up! Hurry!”
Prince Rakus :
“Okay, okay… But, he’s so fast. I’m tired.”
King Kong : “Time's up!”
(Cindellari and Prince Rakus stop run)
King Kong : “Time's up!”
(Cindellari and Prince Rakus stop run)
Prince Rakus :
“I…I…I’m so sorry, Your Majesty. I couldn’t run faster because I’m not ready. Why you didn’t tell me that
the second competition is running competition?”
Queen Icasia : “Heyy! Why are you blame the Queen?”
Prince Rakus : “In fact, it was your fault!”
Queen Icasia : “What do you mean that it was my fault? Why do you blame me? I've helped you to make Cinderella lose!” (Be quiet for a while) “Oops ... “
All : "Ooo ..."
Prince Harry : “So, it was your bad idea?”
Queen Icasia : “Not me! That was Prince Rakus!” (Pointing Prince Rakus)
Prince Rakus : “But that was the Queen’s idea!”
King Kong : “Enough! So I decided that the girl who will be marry the Prince is. . . Cindellari!“
Prince Rakus : “No!”
Queen Icasia : “With a very heavy heart, I accept you to be my son in-law, Cindellar.”
Princess Fiona : “Finally we can together, Cindellari. “
Cindellari : “Yes, my princess.”
(All characters leave the room except Prince Antonio and Cinderella)
Prince Fiona : “We can start a new life without disturbance from anyone.
Queen Icasia : “Heyy! Why are you blame the Queen?”
Prince Rakus : “In fact, it was your fault!”
Queen Icasia : “What do you mean that it was my fault? Why do you blame me? I've helped you to make Cinderella lose!” (Be quiet for a while) “Oops ... “
All : "Ooo ..."
Prince Harry : “So, it was your bad idea?”
Queen Icasia : “Not me! That was Prince Rakus!” (Pointing Prince Rakus)
Prince Rakus : “But that was the Queen’s idea!”
King Kong : “Enough! So I decided that the girl who will be marry the Prince is. . . Cindellari!“
Prince Rakus : “No!”
Queen Icasia : “With a very heavy heart, I accept you to be my son in-law, Cindellar.”
Princess Fiona : “Finally we can together, Cindellari. “
Cindellari : “Yes, my princess.”
(All characters leave the room except Prince Antonio and Cinderella)
Prince Fiona : “We can start a new life without disturbance from anyone.
. . . Love you.
Cindellari :
"I love you full.”
Finally, after passed various competitions, Cindellari could be Princess Fiona’s husband and they live happily ever after.
Finally, after passed various competitions, Cindellari could be Princess Fiona’s husband and they live happily ever after.
on this story, we knew that the goodness beat the evil and we shouldn’t have a
dirty trick in every occasion.
Postingan (Atom)
Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012
Parody of The Twilight Saga by students of X9 grade Yogyakarta 2nd State SHS: Twinlight
Setting: Park
It’s about
Bellas’s life. She is a very beautiful girl who loves isolating from people
because she thinks when she is alone she is feeling calm. She loves reading
very much and hates talk much. She is addicted in dark color. Almost everyday
she wears black and brown clothes. But I don’t know if both colors she only
has. Everyone just knows that Bella is a tomboy. She hates wears skirt since he
was child. She has a pat, a female owl named Guweg. Guweg is a loyal pet, she
always right in Bella’s side since Bella’s parents were still alive.
But today
Bella cannot spend her whole time she wants in the park. She has to do all
stuffs at home. The stuffs have to be done by a wife, but she works on them.
Bella: Oh My
Godness (while looking at the watch)
Setting: home
She then runs as fast as she can. She is
trying get home before her step mother and two step sisters get there. But
unluckily, they have got there before her. So here, the trouble more and more
comes to her.
Mother : Well it’s about
2:03.p.m and you are late about 3 minutes. So you have to work there times more
Bella : I’m sorry…. I
won’t do this anymore….But please don’t put more works for me….
Nancy : Just do it now! Or
you’ll get no dinner tonight.
So, she has to
do everything, sweeping the floor, watering the flower, washing the clothes
until midnight. Everybody had got bed off, but Guweg still with her. They keep
talking while finish Bella’s works.(Bella is sweeping the floor)
Guweg : Just go to your bed soon.
Bella : No, I don’t want to get more troubles.
Guweg : But you seem so tired. Or get some drinks
first before you continuo this.
Bella : Do you think it will happen forever?
Or it will be ended.
Guweg :God only knows about
this. But believe nothing impossible happiness will come. Just wait the
Bella : But how long?
Guweg cannot
reply her. She keep working tonight. Until dawn she has just got the bed. About
4.a.m she must start to do everything again before she goes to the campus.
campus, canteen
Today is her
new day in the new campus, she has just moved from Texas, her both step sisters
begged to move so they moved. At lunch time at the canteen everybody usually
spends their time there to get lunch and has chats with others. When bella and
her new friends are enjoying some jokes, everybody’s mind moves to someone,
Edward. He is a mega supa dupa good looking boy this century.
Tera : Are got hypnotized by him?
Bella : *surprised* oh. Nope.
Tera : *little laughing*
He is Edward. He is rich of face and money. He lives at an elite and luxurious
apartment with his family.
*Edward families entered the room*
Tera : they are Lucy
and John, John has proposed Lucy, and the celebration to be the best engagement
in New York. They are following by Shelly and Scott they failed to hold their
engagement but they are still holding their relationship.
Bella : Why?
Tera : No one knows
about it. They are very mysterious. But only Edward has no mate. May be he is
waiting for me *laughing*
Setting: Biology laboratory
After lunch Bella has to join Biology class. And now she has a
Mr.campbell : Please
take the microscope on your left side and the prepared preparation and back to
your seat. Observe the preparation. Draw it and analyze it.
*Edward entering the room, Bella doesn’t realize that*
Bella :
*checking notes* *opening book* *panic* where are you?
Edward : Anaphase.
Bella :
*wears glasses* *the eyes are shining*
Edward :
*frightened* *run away* Ghooooooooooooooooooost!!
*Everybody runs away*
Bella :
*confused* What happens? Okay. I’m cabut.
Setting: On the Way
She is
forgetting what happened today. She is playing with a can. And beat that until
the can kicks someone’s head.
Jacob : ouccch!
Bella : *panic* Oh I’m so sorry. Does it
Jacob : It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m fine.
Bella : Well………I’m bella.
Jacob : Just Jacob.
Bella : Ok Just Jacob.
Jacob : I mean Jacob. Call me Jacob
Bella : Oh I see…….
Jacob : Where do you live?
Bella : Straight on that left T-junction
Jacob : Well, get on. I’m going to deliver
Bella : Oh..no thanks. I can walk myself.
Jacob : Well actually I’m going to go to the
minimarket of that T-junction.
Bella : Well okay
Setting: Home
*keluar mobil*
Bella : Thank you for the ride
Jacob : No problem
Bella : Bye
Jacob : *waving hands*
Bella doesn’t
realize that the step mother and step two sisters are peeping on her. Bella
open the door and welcomed by them.
Mother : Hem hem! Who is he? Your boyfriend?
Bella : No he is a man who lives near to the
garage. Or he works there I don’t know.
Jennifer : So your boyfriend is a mechanic? *laughing
Mother : Your life will dark
as your boyfriend *yelling and tossing*. Go straight to your daily works. Jerk.
Setting: Backyard
Bella : Hi, guweg!
Guweg : Hi, welcome to your
new relationship!
Bella : What do you
Guweg : Someone has just
delivered you, right?
Bella : *little
laughing* yeah but that’s not my boyfie at all.
Guweg : How unlucky. She is a
perfect boy. His body is so……*mempraktikan*
Bella : stop your jokes
Guweg, just sing for me.
*bella sambil nyampu/nyuci/masak*
Setting: Bella’s room
Before she
sleeps something appears to her mind. Two boys suddenly appeared in her new
day. Edward he is a cool boy and smart. Jacob, a handsome boy that has a six
packs body. She suddenly says
Bella : Who will I choose? *laughing at
Finally she is
sleepy and getting sleep. In the middle of the sleeping, a dream appears.
Edward : Here come to me baby…
Jacob : No bella no, right here if you are a
straight girl
Edward : I love you so much bella
Jacob : I love you more than him….
Edward : Come closer….closeer……closeeer….
Jacob : Come…..comee…come…come to me and
Bella then
wakes. She takes a deep breath
Setting: Front
a horn sounds. Bella gets out and faces Jacob’s car. Unbeliveable Jacob picks
her. As usual Mom and two sisters are peeping among the window. Bella enter the
car and start talking on the way campus.
Jacob : Is it okay picked you up?
Bella : Sure. No matter.
Jacob : Would you if I do this again
Bella : Don’t bother yourself.
Jacob : I’m not bothering
Setting: Campus
The car gets
to the front yard. Edward watches from far. He looks disappointed. Bella has a
boyfriend. Then he goes.
Bella : Thank you for your bother
Jacob : Sure, It is a nice bother I’ve ever
Tera goes on
her. And ask.
Tera : Is he your boyfriend?
Bella : What do you think?
Tera : Yes he is.
Bella : He is not. He is the boy that I
hurted yesterday. I beat a can and it’s kick his head.
Tera : How jerk you are! *laughing
Setting: canteen
Edward comes
near to Bella’s seat.
Edward : Can I sit here?
Bella : Just do
Both of them
are silent and quiet and no talking
Ed and Bell: So….
When they
start talking they talk in the same time.
Edward : You first
Bella : So, what’s your name?
Edward : Ed, Edward. You?
Bella : Just Bella
Edward : Ok Just Bella.
Bella : I mean Bella
Edward : this morning is your boyfriend delivered
Bella : No he is not my boyfriend.
Edward : *balik badan* Alhamdulillah ya Allah…..
Bella : What?
Edward : Nothing. So will you enjoy tonight party?
Bella : Party!!!!!! *shock*
Edward : *tutup telinga* yes!!!! A party!!!!!
Bella : I haven’t known it yet
Edward : It has published yesterday and it’s
Bella : well, I’ll think it later.
Setting: home,
In the
afternoon, after she has finished all her works she sits and stares at the sky.
She looks very unsure.
Guweg : What’s sticking on your mind?
Bella : I have an annual party tonight. But
how will I go there..
Dimly, heard
Nancy and Jennifer are talking about the same party tonight. But they have
prepared everything.
Bella : You hear that?
Guweg : Calm down. You’ll be there tonight.
Bella : But how? It is big impossible.
Guweg : Everything will be possible. Now close
your eyes.
Bella : What will you do?
Guweg : Just close and shut up
Bella : *closing eyes*
Guweg : Well now I’m going to
count from 1 until 100. Then you can open your eyes. One, two, three, a
hundred. *guweg change into human being*
Bella : Hey who are you?
Where’s guweg?
Guweg : I’m Guweg.
Bella :
Guweg : I know my full name.
Guweg Raharjo Triatmonggo Asri.
Bella : Yes, Guweg…
Guweg : Hahahaha. Now turned
away! *baca mantra*
Bella : How beautiful I
am. Thank you Guweg
Guweg : No problem. But
listen. In the midnight your couple, Ed will be a vampire and you’ll change
into a vampire too. If you don’t want to change you have to back home before
Setting: campus hall
Bella enters
the hall and automatically everybody stares on her and also both of her step
sisters. Then Edward comes straight to her and asks her to be his couple. The
dance until the clock hand beat 12.00 but Bella forgets what Guweg has told to
Bella and
Edward are looking each others. They are all falling in love. At 12.00 exactly
they both change into a couple of vampires but they are enjoying that. And they
live happily ever after.
Indonesian Folktale: Lake Lau Kawar

long long time ago, everybody in the Kawar village was happy. The farmers had
just their best harvest. The villagers were planning to hold a party to
celebrate the good harvest. On one beautiful day, all the villagers gathered in
a field. They wore beautiful dresses and made delicious food. Everybody was
having good times! They were singing, laughing, and of course, eating delicious
everyone go to the party? Unfortunately, there was one old woman still staying
at her house. She was too old and weak to go to the party. Her son, her
daughter-in-law, and her grandchildren all went to the party. At home, the old
woman felt very sad and lonely. She was very hungry too. She tried to find some
food in the kitchen, but she was very disappointed. Her daughter-in-law did not
cook that day. At the party, the son asked his wife, “Why don’t you take some
food from the party and give it to my mon? Ask our son to deliver it.” Then the
little boy brought the food to his grandmother. The old woman was so happy. But
her happiness turned into sadness when she saw the food was not in a good
condition. It seemed that someone had eaten the food. She just got little rice
and fish bones.
old woman was very sad. She tought bad things about her son. The old woman did
not know that it was her grandson who had eaten the food on the way from the
party to the house. She cursed her son. Then, a terrible thing happened. There
was a great earthquake! Thunders struck the village. And heavy rains started to
fall. All the villagers were so scared. They wanted to save themselves. They
tried to find shelters. Slowly, the field turned into a lake. The lake was
getting bigger and bigger, and finally the whole village turned into a big
lake. People then named the lake
Lau Kawar.
English Drama: Cindellari and Prince Rakus
Cindellari and Prince Rakus
By: Nafila Alifia Azka
A long long time ago, there wa a
handsome boy named Cindellari. He was an athlete. However, he lost his mother.
His mother was passed away. His father got married again and went away. He left
Cindellari. Then, he lived with his step mother and step brothers. But, they
treated him like a servant.
Oneday, Queen Icasia held a ball
to find a mate for Princess Fiona. Cindellari wanted tp go to the party, but
her step mother and her step brothers didn’t allow him. Helped by fairy God
mother, Cindellari could go to the party. But, he had to come back home before
12:00 PM, because the magic would be disappeared at 12:00 PM.
After 12:00 PM at midnight,
Cindellari left the palace. However, accidentally, he left one of his boot.
Princess Fiona who had fallen in love with him was holding a contest to find
the owner of that boot. The right boy would be married by her.
Princess Fiona : Harry, last night I
found this boot in the palace yard. Is it yours?
Harry : No,
my little sister. I don’t have boot like that.
Antoinette : Maybe, it’s
belongs to one of our guests on the ball last night.
Princess Fiona :
It could be. And obviously, my heart says that it’s belongs to the charming
boy who was dancing with me.
Prince Harry :
Do you fall in love with him?
Princess Fiona :
Yeaaaahhhh… I think so.
Princess Antoinnete :
How if you held a competition to find the owner of that boot?
Princess Fiona :
Briliant! When I find the owner of that boot, I promise that I wanna marry
When Cindellari tried that
special boot, it was fits and Cindellari also had its pair. Princess Fiona
immediately proposed Cindellari to be her husband.
Princess Fiona : OMG!!! That boot fits on your feet and
you have its pair too. (surprising)
Cindellari :
Yeaaahhh… It’s mine. That time, I ran hurriedly because I had to back home
soon. Then accidentally, I left it.
Fiona : I know,
I know. So, will marry me? (kneel in
front of Cindellari)
Cindellari : I’d love
to, Your Majesty.
After that, Princess Fiona took
Cindellari to the palace. There, he met Princess Fiona’s mother, Queen Icasia.
Prince Harry : (Stand up and appointing Cindellari) “Who is he, Fiona?”
Fiona : “He’s the man who will be
my husband.”
Queen Icasia : “Are you sure? You choose a woman like this to
be your wife?”
Princess Fiona : “Yes, we love each other.” (Cindellari and Princess Fiona stare at each other,
and smiling.)
Prince Harry : “What? You choose a man like that? With
a servant faces? What
the worm says?”
Cindellari : “What the world says, Prince.”
Prince Harry : “Yeah. I mean that.”
Princess Fiona : “Although his style
like a servant, but her heart like 24 carats gold”
Queen Icasia : “You said that his heart
like a rusty gold? But, Fiona. I’ve been found a good match for you. He is a Prince from Far Far Away Kingdom.”
Fiona : “But, Mom . . . .”
Prince Harry : “He is so handsome. If our
kingdom unite with Far Far Away Kingdom, it’ll be very biiiiiiiiigggg kingdom.”
Queen Icasia :"Yes,
your brother is right"
Fiona : “But I really love him, Mom.”
Icasia : “No, you can’t! You must marry Prince
Fiona : “What? Rakus? Weird name. But I
Icasia : “You must want it!”
Princess Fiona : “I want. Upss... I won’t!”
Icasia : “What a sinful girl you are!”
Prince Fiona : “Wait, why it’s like Malin Kundang?”
Icasia : “Hey, what a rude you are!"
Antoinette : (Enter the room) “Stop..!! What
happen here? Who’s that boy?”
(Appointing Cindellari)
Fiona : “She’s my boyfriend, my sister.”
Princess Antoinette : “Oh, he’s your boyfriend. So, is he the winner in the boot contest?”(Look at Cindellari’s boots)
Prince Fiona : “Yes, my sister. He also has the pair of the boot.”
Icasia : “But I’ve been found a good match for Fiona! He’s Prince Rakus from Far Far Away Kingdom.”
Antoinette : ”Well, It’s all up to Fiona!”
Icasia : “But, Antoinette. I disagree with your decision. Princess Fiona marry the boy like that? Oh no, don’t be crazy, Antoinette!”
King Kong : (Enter the hall) “Enouuuuuggggghhhh... I have heard all about this and it’s makes me
mad, Icasia. Don’t argue
about this anymore! Let’s find the right way to solve this problem. Don’t use
your emotion. How if we make a
Rakus : (Stand up) “What’s the competition, Your Majesty?”
King Kong : “If you win the competition, you will
marry Princess Fiona. If that boy to be a winner, he will marry her. Who’s disagree with my decision?”
Rakus : “Okay, fine, I accept it, Your Majesty.”
Icasia : “What? You accept that weird competition?”(Angry)
Rakus : “Don't worry. I’m sure that I can defeat him”.
Cindellari : (Raise his hand)
King Kong : “What happen, young boy?
You disagree with my decision?”
Cindellari : “I agree with your decision, Your
Princess Antoinette : “And then, why did you raise your hand?”
Cindellari : “Actually, I disagree if you call me
‘that boy’. Because I have name too.”
Princess Antoinette : “Oh yeah. You haven’t introducing
yourself. What’s your name??”
Cindellari : “My name is Cindellari.”
Prince Harry : “Cindellari? Chimney boy. The most weird name I ever heard. Look at yourself! You are suitable to get that
Cindellari : “Actually it’s just my nickname. That
name given by my wicked step mother and step brothers.”
Antoinette : “Okay okay, I get it....”
King Kong : “And then, what’s your real name?”
Cindellari : “But, my real name is too long.”
King Kong : “Just say that!”
Cindellari : “My real name is Sinto Sinting
Mocu Picchu Schrodinger Newton Abrakadabra Robert Brown Strasburger Heisenberg
de Broglie.”
Rakus : “But, my name is longer than Cindellari. I can say it now.”
Antoinette : “Stop! Why we talk about name?”
(All people
be quite for a while)
King Kong : “What about you, Princess? Do you agree?”
Fiona : “I agree with all of daddy’s decision.”
King Kong : “Right, the competition will be started at 9.00 AM tomorrow till end.”
Princess Antoinette : “Well, what the competition, Dad?”
King Kong : “There is two competition:
1). Cooking competition
2). And the one competition is still secret
Are you ready?”
Cindellari & P. Rakus : “Readyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!”
King Kong : “Right, see you tomorrow. Bye! “(Leave the room)
\Queen Icasia and Pricess Rakus have a bad intention to Cindellari. They make a plan to lose Cindellari on the competition.
Queen Icasia : “We must make a plan to lose Cindellari in the competition.”
Rakus : “Yes, I agree with you.”
Icasia : “Come here, I’ll whisper you.”
Rakus : “That’s a briliam idea!”
Icasia : “Briliant.”
Rakus : “Yeah, I mean that.”
Icasia & Prince Rakus : “Ha ha ha
ha ha . . . .” (Leave
the room)
In the morning, when the competition will be started. . . .
King Kong : “Are you ready for the first competition?”
Cindellari & P. Rakus : “Of course wer’re ready . . . .”
King Kong : “The first competition is cooking
King Kong, Queen
Icasia, Princess Fiona, Princess Antoinette, and Prince
were sitting in the dinning room.
They were argue about the winner.
Prince Harry : “Hmm... Do you think who will be the
Icasia : “Prince Rakus of course. He is a master cheff He must be the winner.”
Antoinette : “What? Don’t be joking, Mom.”
Icasia : “Whatever!”
King Kong : “Enough! Don’t fighting! You can see
it later!”
While in the kitchen, Cindellari and Prince Rakus were busy to cook.
Cindellari would go to the rest room, so he left his cuisine.
Cindellari : “Prince Rakus, would you mind if I entrust my cuisine to you? I wanna go to the rest room.”
Rakus : “Okay. Trust me! Don’t worry.”
When Cindellari went to the rest room, Prince Rakus had a dirty
trick to defeat Cindellari. Prince
Rakus put salt, sugar, pepper,
teriyaki sauce, ketchup, and
mayonnaise on Cindellari’s cuisine. She hopes, Cinderella’s food be come
undelicious. But, accidentally She forgetted put her cuisine with salt.
Then, Cindellari back to the kitchen.
Cindellari : “Thank you, Rakus.“
Prince Rakus : “Never mind. Cindellari, I saw a fly flied on your cuisine, so I expelled it. But now it’s gonna be okay.”
Cindellari : “Oh, thanks so much, Rakus.”
After Prince Rakus and
Cindellari finished to cook,
they brought their cuisines to the dinning room.
Cindellari : “Wish you enjoy it, Madam!”
King Kong : “Thank you (Try Cindellari’s
cook) Emm . . . .What
a yummy and sexy food it is!!! Fiona, try it. It’s delicious.”
Fiona : “Wow, it is the most delicious I
ever eat.”
Rakus : “It’s impossible. My cuisine
is the most delicious.
Please, try it!”
(Everyone try Rakus’ dish)
Queen Icasia : No, Rakus’ cuisine is the most delicious
food. And Cindellari’s is far from delicious.
Princess Antoinette : “Mom, do you have problem with your tongue? This food is not
delicious . You said it is good?”
Fiona : “Yeah, Antoinette is right.”
King Kong : “Well, It is the time for me to decide
who is the winner. The winner is……….. Cindellari. Now. The score is 1-0. Give applause for him!”
Antoinette : “Congratulation, Cindellari!”
Cindellari : “Thank you, Antoniette.”
Queen Icasia was
angry. She shouted at Prince Rakus because he couldn’t defeat Cindellari.
Queen Icasia : “Rakus. Rakuuuusssss...
What happened with you. Why Cindellari’s food became delicious?”
Prince Rakus : “I’m, sorry Nyai. Oh, I mean Queen. I was put the salt,
sugar, pepper, teriyaki sauce, ketchup, and mayonnaise on Cindellari’s cuisine. But I don’t
know why his cuisine became delicious.”
Queen Icasia : “What? How stupid you are. You know, what you put on Cindellari’s
cuisine just made his more delicious.”
Rakus : “Sorry Queen.”
Icasia : “Well, It’s okay. We have to make a new plan for next competition.”
The next morning,
everyone were gathering in the palace yard. King Kong would give the second
competition for Cindellari and Prince Rakus.
Rakus : “Yesterday, you said that the last competition was still secret. Well. What is that?”
King Kong : “The third competition is running competition. Now you may start
to run. 0.22222222 seconds from now!”
(Cindellari and Prince Rakus run)
(Cindellari and Prince Rakus run)
Queen Icasia : “Come on, Rakus!
Hurry up! Hurry!”
Prince Rakus :
“Okay, okay… But, he’s so fast. I’m tired.”
King Kong : “Time's up!”
(Cindellari and Prince Rakus stop run)
King Kong : “Time's up!”
(Cindellari and Prince Rakus stop run)
Prince Rakus :
“I…I…I’m so sorry, Your Majesty. I couldn’t run faster because I’m not ready. Why you didn’t tell me that
the second competition is running competition?”
Queen Icasia : “Heyy! Why are you blame the Queen?”
Prince Rakus : “In fact, it was your fault!”
Queen Icasia : “What do you mean that it was my fault? Why do you blame me? I've helped you to make Cinderella lose!” (Be quiet for a while) “Oops ... “
All : "Ooo ..."
Prince Harry : “So, it was your bad idea?”
Queen Icasia : “Not me! That was Prince Rakus!” (Pointing Prince Rakus)
Prince Rakus : “But that was the Queen’s idea!”
King Kong : “Enough! So I decided that the girl who will be marry the Prince is. . . Cindellari!“
Prince Rakus : “No!”
Queen Icasia : “With a very heavy heart, I accept you to be my son in-law, Cindellar.”
Princess Fiona : “Finally we can together, Cindellari. “
Cindellari : “Yes, my princess.”
(All characters leave the room except Prince Antonio and Cinderella)
Prince Fiona : “We can start a new life without disturbance from anyone.
Queen Icasia : “Heyy! Why are you blame the Queen?”
Prince Rakus : “In fact, it was your fault!”
Queen Icasia : “What do you mean that it was my fault? Why do you blame me? I've helped you to make Cinderella lose!” (Be quiet for a while) “Oops ... “
All : "Ooo ..."
Prince Harry : “So, it was your bad idea?”
Queen Icasia : “Not me! That was Prince Rakus!” (Pointing Prince Rakus)
Prince Rakus : “But that was the Queen’s idea!”
King Kong : “Enough! So I decided that the girl who will be marry the Prince is. . . Cindellari!“
Prince Rakus : “No!”
Queen Icasia : “With a very heavy heart, I accept you to be my son in-law, Cindellar.”
Princess Fiona : “Finally we can together, Cindellari. “
Cindellari : “Yes, my princess.”
(All characters leave the room except Prince Antonio and Cinderella)
Prince Fiona : “We can start a new life without disturbance from anyone.
. . . Love you.
Cindellari :
"I love you full.”
Finally, after passed various competitions, Cindellari could be Princess Fiona’s husband and they live happily ever after.
Finally, after passed various competitions, Cindellari could be Princess Fiona’s husband and they live happily ever after.
on this story, we knew that the goodness beat the evil and we shouldn’t have a
dirty trick in every occasion.
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