Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

English Drama: Cindellari and Prince Rakus

Cindellari and Prince Rakus

By: Nafila Alifia Azka
A long long time ago, there wa a handsome boy named Cindellari. He was an athlete. However, he lost his mother. His mother was passed away. His father got married again and went away. He left Cindellari. Then, he lived with his step mother and step brothers. But, they treated him like a servant.
Oneday, Queen Icasia held a ball to find a mate for Princess Fiona. Cindellari wanted tp go to the party, but her step mother and her step brothers didn’t allow him. Helped by fairy God mother, Cindellari could go to the party. But, he had to come back home before 12:00 PM, because the magic would be disappeared at 12:00 PM.
After 12:00 PM at midnight, Cindellari left the palace. However, accidentally, he left one of his boot. Princess Fiona who had fallen in love with him was holding a contest to find the owner of that boot. The right boy would be married by her.
Princess Fiona                       : Harry, last night I found this boot in the palace yard. Is it yours?
Prince Harry                          : No, my little sister. I don’t have boot like that.
Princess Antoinette               : Maybe, it’s belongs to one of our guests on the ball last night.
Princess Fiona                       : It could be. And obviously, my heart says that it’s belongs to the charming boy who was dancing with me.
Prince Harry                          : Do you fall in love with him?
Princess Fiona                       : Yeaaaahhhh… I think so.
Princess Antoinnete              : How if you held a competition to find the owner of that boot?
Princess Fiona                       : Briliant! When I find the owner of that boot, I promise that I wanna marry him.

When Cindellari tried that special boot, it was fits and Cindellari also had its pair. Princess Fiona immediately proposed Cindellari to be her husband.
Princess Fiona                       : OMG!!! That boot fits on your feet and you have its pair too. (surprising)
Cindellari                               : Yeaaahhh… It’s mine. That time, I ran hurriedly because I had to back home soon. Then accidentally, I left it.
Princess Fiona                       : I know, I know. So, will marry me? (kneel in front of Cindellari)
Cindellari                               : I’d love to, Your Majesty.

After that, Princess Fiona took Cindellari to the palace. There, he met Princess Fiona’s mother, Queen Icasia.
Prince Harry                          : (Stand up and appointing  Cindellari) “Who is he, Fiona?”
Princess Fiona                       : “He’s the man who will be my husband.”
Queen Icasia                          : “Are you sure? You choose a woman like this to be your wife?”
Princess Fiona                       : “Yes, we love each other.” (Cindellari and Princess Fiona stare at each other, and smiling.)
Prince Harry                          : “What? You choose a man like that? With a servant faces?                                                            What the  worm says?”
Cindellari                               : “What the world says, Prince.”
Prince Harry                          : “Yeah. I mean that.”
Princess Fiona                       : “Although his style like a servant, but her heart like 24 carats gold
Queen Icasia                          : “You said that his heart like a rusty gold? But, Fiona. I’ve been found a good match for you. He is a Prince from Far Far Away Kingdom.”
Princess Fiona                       : “But, Mom . . . .”
Prince Harry                          : “He is so handsome. If our kingdom unite with Far Far Away Kingdom, it’ll be very biiiiiiiiigggg kingdom.”
Queen Icasia                          :"Yes, your brother is right"
Princess Fiona                       : “But I really love him, Mom.”
Queen Icasia                          : “No, you can’t! You must marry Prince Rakus.”
Princess Fiona                       : “What? Rakus? Weird name. But I won’t.”
Queen Icasia                          : “You must want it!”
Princess Fiona                       : “I want. Upss... I won’t!”
Queen Icasia                          : “What a sinful girl you are!”
Prince Fiona                         : “Wait, why it’s like Malin Kundang?”
Queen Icasia                          : “Hey, what a rude you are!"
Princess Antoinette               : (Enter the room) “Stop..!! What happen here? Who’s that boy?”                                                    (Appointing Cindellari)
Princess Fiona                       : “She’s my boyfriend, my sister.”
Princess Antoinette               : “Oh, he’s your boyfriend. So, is he the winner in the boot                                                              contest?”(Look at Cindellari’s boots)
Prince Fiona                         : “Yes, my sister. He also has the pair of the boot.”
Queen Icasia                          : “But I’ve been found a good match for Fiona! He’s Prince                                                            Rakus from Far Far Away Kingdom.”
Princess Antoinette               : ”Well, It’s all up to Fiona!”
Queen Icasia                          : “But, Antoinette. I disagree with your decision. Princess Fiona                                                      marry the boy like that? Oh no, don’t be crazy, Antoinette!”
King Kong                              : (Enter the hall)Enouuuuuggggghhhh... I have heard all about this and it’s makes me mad, Icasia. Don’t argue about this anymore! Let’s find the right way to solve this problem. Don’t use your emotion. How if we make a competition?”
Prince Rakus                         : (Stand up) “What’s the competition, Your Majesty?”
King Kong                             : “If you win the competition, you will marry Princess Fiona. If                                                       that boy to be a winner, he will marry her. Who’s disagree with my                                                 decision?”
Prince Rakus                         : “Okay, fine, I accept it, Your Majesty.”
Queen Icasia                         : “What? You accept that weird competition?”(Angry)
Prince Rakus                         : “Don't worry. I’m sure that I can defeat him”.
Cindellari                               : (Raise his hand)
King Kong                              : “What happen, young boy? You disagree with my decision?”
Cindellari                               : “I agree with your decision, Your Majesty.”
Princess Antoinette               : “And then, why did you raise your hand?”
Cindellari                               : “Actually, I disagree if you call me ‘that boy’. Because I have                                                       name too.”
Princess Antoinette               : “Oh yeah. You haven’t introducing yourself. What’s your                                                              name??”
Cindellari                               : “My name is Cindellari.”
Prince Harry                          : “Cindellari? Chimney boy. The most weird name I ever heard. Look at yourself! You are suitable to get that name!”
Cindellari                               : “Actually it’s just my nickname. That name given by my wicked                           step  mother and step brothers.”
Princess Antoinette               : “Okay okay, I get it....”
King Kong                              : “And then, what’s your real name?”
Cindellari                               : “But, my real name is too long.”
King Kong                             : “Just say that!”
Cindellari                               : “My real name is Sinto Sinting Mocu Picchu Schrodinger Newton Abrakadabra Robert Brown Strasburger Heisenberg de Broglie.”
Prince Rakus                         : “But, my name is longer than Cindellari. I can say it now.”
Princess Antoinette               : “Stop! Why we talk about name?”
(All people be quite for a while)
King Kong                              : “What about you, Princess? Do you agree?”
Princess Fiona                       : “I agree with all of daddy’s decision.”
King Kong                              : “Right, the competition will be started at 9.00 AM tomorrow till                                                           end.”
Princess Antoinette               : “Well, what the competition, Dad?”
King Kong                              : “There is two competition:
1). Cooking competition
2). And the one competition is still secret
Are you ready?”
Cindellari & P. Rakus          :Readyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
King Kong                             : “Right, see you tomorrow. Bye! “(Leave the room)

\Queen Icasia and Pricess Rakus have a bad intention to Cindellari. They make a plan to lose Cindellari on the competition.
Queen Icasia                          : “We must make a plan to lose Cindellari in the                                                                                competition.”
Prince Rakus                         : “Yes, I agree with you.”
Queen Icasia                          : “Come here, I’ll whisper you.”
Prince Rakus                         : “That’s a briliam idea!”
Queen Icasia                          : “Briliant.”
Prince Rakus             : “Yeah, I mean that.”
Queen Icasia & Prince Rakus : “Ha ha ha ha ha . . . .”  (Leave the room)

In the morning, when the competition will be started. . . .
King Kong                              : “Are you ready for the first competition?”
Cindellari & P. Rakus          : “Of course wer’re ready . . . .”
King Kong                              : “The first competition is cooking competition.”

King Kong, Queen Icasia, Princess Fiona, Princess Antoinette, and Prince Harry were sitting in the dinning room. They were argue about the winner.
Prince Harry                          : “Hmm... Do you think who will be the winner?”
Queen Icasia                          : “Prince Rakus of course. He is a master cheff He must be the winner.”
Prince Antoinette                  : “What? Don’t be joking, Mom.
Queen Icasia                          : “Whatever!”
King Kong                              : “Enough! Don’t fighting! You can see it later!”


While in the kitchen, Cindellari and Prince Rakus were busy to cook. Cindellari would go to the rest room, so he left his cuisine.
Cindellari                               : “Prince Rakus, would you mind if  I entrust my cuisine to you? I wanna go to the rest room.
Prince Rakus                         : “Okay. Trust me! Don’t worry.”

When Cindellari went to the rest room, Prince Rakus had a dirty trick to defeat Cindellari. Prince Rakus put salt, sugar, pepper, teriyaki sauce, ketchup, and mayonnaise on Cindellari’s cuisine. She hopes, Cinderella’s food be come undelicious. But, accidentally She forgetted put her cuisine with salt. Then, Cindellari back to the kitchen.
Cindellari                               : “Thank you, Rakus.“
Prince Rakus                         : “Never mind. Cindellari, I saw a fly flied on your cuisine, so I expelled it. But now it’s gonna be okay.”
Cindellari                               : “Oh, thanks so much, Rakus.”

After Prince Rakus and Cindellari finished to cook, they brought their cuisines to the dinning room.
Cindellari                               : “Wish you enjoy it, Madam!”
King Kong                              : “Thank you (Try Cindellari’s cook) Emm . . . .What a yummy and sexy food it is!!! Fiona, try it. It’s delicious.”
Princess Fiona                       : “Wow, it is the most delicious I ever eat.”
Prince Rakus                         : “Its impossible. My cuisine is the most delicious. Please, try it!”
(Everyone try Rakus’ dish)
Queen Icasia                          : No, Rakus’ cuisine is the most delicious food. And Cindellari’s is far from delicious.
Princess Antoinette               : “Mom, do you have problem with your tongue? This food                                                                         is not delicious . You said  it is good?”           
Princess Fiona                       : “Yeah, Antoinette is right.”
King Kong                             : “Well, It is the time for me to decide who is the winner. The winner is………..  Cindellari. Now. The score is 1-0. Give applause for him!”
Princess Antoinette               : “Congratulation, Cindellari!”
Cindellari                               : “Thank you, Antoniette.

Queen Icasia was angry. She shouted at Prince Rakus because he couldn’t defeat Cindellari.
Queen Icasia                          : “Rakus. Rakuuuusssss... What happened with you. Why Cindellari’s food became delicious?” (angry)
Prince Rakus                         : “I’m, sorry Nyai. Oh, I mean Queen. I was put the salt, sugar, pepper, teriyaki sauce, ketchup, and mayonnaise on Cindellari’s cuisine. But I don’t know why his cuisine became delicious.”
Queen Icasia                          : “What? How stupid you are. You know, what you put on Cindellari’s cuisine just made his more delicious.
Prince Rakus                         : “Sorry Queen.”
Queen Icasia                          : “Well, Its okay. We have to make a new plan for next                                                                   competition.”

The next morning, everyone were gathering in the palace yard. King Kong would give the second competition for Cindellari and Prince Rakus.
Prince Rakus                         : “Yesterday, you said that the last competition was still secret. Well.                                              What is that?”
King Kong                             : “The third competition is running competition. Now you may start to run. 0.22222222 seconds from now!”
(Cindellari and Prince Rakus run)
Queen Icasia                          : “Come on, Rakus! Hurry up! Hurry!”
Prince Rakus                         : “Okay, okay… But, he’s so fast. I’m tired.”
King Kong                              : “Time's up!”
(Cindellari and Prince Rakus stop run)

Prince Rakus             : “I…I…I’m so sorry, Your Majesty. I couldn’t run faster because    I’m not ready. Why you didn’t tell me that the second competition is running competition?”
Queen Icasia                          : “Heyy! Why are you blame the Queen?”
Prince Rakus                         : “In fact, it was your fault!”
Queen Icasia                          : “What do you mean that it was my fault? Why do you blame me?                                                 I've helped you to make Cinderella lose!”                                                                                          (Be quiet for a while) “Oops ... “
All                                           : "Ooo ..."
Prince Harry                          : “So, it was your bad idea?”
Queen Icasia                          : “Not me! That was Prince Rakus!” (Pointing Prince Rakus)
Prince Rakus                         : “But that was the Queen’s idea!”
King Kong                              : “Enough! So I decided that the girl who will be marry the Prince                                                  is. . .  Cindellari!“
Prince Rakus                         : “No!”
Queen Icasia                          : “With a very heavy heart, I accept you to be my son in-law,                                                           Cindellar.”
Princess Fiona                       : “Finally we can together, Cindellari. “
Cindellari                               : “Yes, my princess.”
(All characters  leave the room except Prince Antonio and Cinderella)
Prince Fiona                          : “We can start a new life without disturbance from anyone.
I. . . . Love you.
Cindellari                               : "I love you full.”
            Finally, after passed various competitions, Cindellari could be Princess Fiona’s husband and they live happily ever after.
            Based on this story, we knew that the goodness beat the evil and we shouldn’t have a dirty trick in every occasion.


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Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012

English Drama: Cindellari and Prince Rakus

Cindellari and Prince Rakus

By: Nafila Alifia Azka
A long long time ago, there wa a handsome boy named Cindellari. He was an athlete. However, he lost his mother. His mother was passed away. His father got married again and went away. He left Cindellari. Then, he lived with his step mother and step brothers. But, they treated him like a servant.
Oneday, Queen Icasia held a ball to find a mate for Princess Fiona. Cindellari wanted tp go to the party, but her step mother and her step brothers didn’t allow him. Helped by fairy God mother, Cindellari could go to the party. But, he had to come back home before 12:00 PM, because the magic would be disappeared at 12:00 PM.
After 12:00 PM at midnight, Cindellari left the palace. However, accidentally, he left one of his boot. Princess Fiona who had fallen in love with him was holding a contest to find the owner of that boot. The right boy would be married by her.
Princess Fiona                       : Harry, last night I found this boot in the palace yard. Is it yours?
Prince Harry                          : No, my little sister. I don’t have boot like that.
Princess Antoinette               : Maybe, it’s belongs to one of our guests on the ball last night.
Princess Fiona                       : It could be. And obviously, my heart says that it’s belongs to the charming boy who was dancing with me.
Prince Harry                          : Do you fall in love with him?
Princess Fiona                       : Yeaaaahhhh… I think so.
Princess Antoinnete              : How if you held a competition to find the owner of that boot?
Princess Fiona                       : Briliant! When I find the owner of that boot, I promise that I wanna marry him.

When Cindellari tried that special boot, it was fits and Cindellari also had its pair. Princess Fiona immediately proposed Cindellari to be her husband.
Princess Fiona                       : OMG!!! That boot fits on your feet and you have its pair too. (surprising)
Cindellari                               : Yeaaahhh… It’s mine. That time, I ran hurriedly because I had to back home soon. Then accidentally, I left it.
Princess Fiona                       : I know, I know. So, will marry me? (kneel in front of Cindellari)
Cindellari                               : I’d love to, Your Majesty.

After that, Princess Fiona took Cindellari to the palace. There, he met Princess Fiona’s mother, Queen Icasia.
Prince Harry                          : (Stand up and appointing  Cindellari) “Who is he, Fiona?”
Princess Fiona                       : “He’s the man who will be my husband.”
Queen Icasia                          : “Are you sure? You choose a woman like this to be your wife?”
Princess Fiona                       : “Yes, we love each other.” (Cindellari and Princess Fiona stare at each other, and smiling.)
Prince Harry                          : “What? You choose a man like that? With a servant faces?                                                            What the  worm says?”
Cindellari                               : “What the world says, Prince.”
Prince Harry                          : “Yeah. I mean that.”
Princess Fiona                       : “Although his style like a servant, but her heart like 24 carats gold
Queen Icasia                          : “You said that his heart like a rusty gold? But, Fiona. I’ve been found a good match for you. He is a Prince from Far Far Away Kingdom.”
Princess Fiona                       : “But, Mom . . . .”
Prince Harry                          : “He is so handsome. If our kingdom unite with Far Far Away Kingdom, it’ll be very biiiiiiiiigggg kingdom.”
Queen Icasia                          :"Yes, your brother is right"
Princess Fiona                       : “But I really love him, Mom.”
Queen Icasia                          : “No, you can’t! You must marry Prince Rakus.”
Princess Fiona                       : “What? Rakus? Weird name. But I won’t.”
Queen Icasia                          : “You must want it!”
Princess Fiona                       : “I want. Upss... I won’t!”
Queen Icasia                          : “What a sinful girl you are!”
Prince Fiona                         : “Wait, why it’s like Malin Kundang?”
Queen Icasia                          : “Hey, what a rude you are!"
Princess Antoinette               : (Enter the room) “Stop..!! What happen here? Who’s that boy?”                                                    (Appointing Cindellari)
Princess Fiona                       : “She’s my boyfriend, my sister.”
Princess Antoinette               : “Oh, he’s your boyfriend. So, is he the winner in the boot                                                              contest?”(Look at Cindellari’s boots)
Prince Fiona                         : “Yes, my sister. He also has the pair of the boot.”
Queen Icasia                          : “But I’ve been found a good match for Fiona! He’s Prince                                                            Rakus from Far Far Away Kingdom.”
Princess Antoinette               : ”Well, It’s all up to Fiona!”
Queen Icasia                          : “But, Antoinette. I disagree with your decision. Princess Fiona                                                      marry the boy like that? Oh no, don’t be crazy, Antoinette!”
King Kong                              : (Enter the hall)Enouuuuuggggghhhh... I have heard all about this and it’s makes me mad, Icasia. Don’t argue about this anymore! Let’s find the right way to solve this problem. Don’t use your emotion. How if we make a competition?”
Prince Rakus                         : (Stand up) “What’s the competition, Your Majesty?”
King Kong                             : “If you win the competition, you will marry Princess Fiona. If                                                       that boy to be a winner, he will marry her. Who’s disagree with my                                                 decision?”
Prince Rakus                         : “Okay, fine, I accept it, Your Majesty.”
Queen Icasia                         : “What? You accept that weird competition?”(Angry)
Prince Rakus                         : “Don't worry. I’m sure that I can defeat him”.
Cindellari                               : (Raise his hand)
King Kong                              : “What happen, young boy? You disagree with my decision?”
Cindellari                               : “I agree with your decision, Your Majesty.”
Princess Antoinette               : “And then, why did you raise your hand?”
Cindellari                               : “Actually, I disagree if you call me ‘that boy’. Because I have                                                       name too.”
Princess Antoinette               : “Oh yeah. You haven’t introducing yourself. What’s your                                                              name??”
Cindellari                               : “My name is Cindellari.”
Prince Harry                          : “Cindellari? Chimney boy. The most weird name I ever heard. Look at yourself! You are suitable to get that name!”
Cindellari                               : “Actually it’s just my nickname. That name given by my wicked                           step  mother and step brothers.”
Princess Antoinette               : “Okay okay, I get it....”
King Kong                              : “And then, what’s your real name?”
Cindellari                               : “But, my real name is too long.”
King Kong                             : “Just say that!”
Cindellari                               : “My real name is Sinto Sinting Mocu Picchu Schrodinger Newton Abrakadabra Robert Brown Strasburger Heisenberg de Broglie.”
Prince Rakus                         : “But, my name is longer than Cindellari. I can say it now.”
Princess Antoinette               : “Stop! Why we talk about name?”
(All people be quite for a while)
King Kong                              : “What about you, Princess? Do you agree?”
Princess Fiona                       : “I agree with all of daddy’s decision.”
King Kong                              : “Right, the competition will be started at 9.00 AM tomorrow till                                                           end.”
Princess Antoinette               : “Well, what the competition, Dad?”
King Kong                              : “There is two competition:
1). Cooking competition
2). And the one competition is still secret
Are you ready?”
Cindellari & P. Rakus          :Readyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
King Kong                             : “Right, see you tomorrow. Bye! “(Leave the room)

\Queen Icasia and Pricess Rakus have a bad intention to Cindellari. They make a plan to lose Cindellari on the competition.
Queen Icasia                          : “We must make a plan to lose Cindellari in the                                                                                competition.”
Prince Rakus                         : “Yes, I agree with you.”
Queen Icasia                          : “Come here, I’ll whisper you.”
Prince Rakus                         : “That’s a briliam idea!”
Queen Icasia                          : “Briliant.”
Prince Rakus             : “Yeah, I mean that.”
Queen Icasia & Prince Rakus : “Ha ha ha ha ha . . . .”  (Leave the room)

In the morning, when the competition will be started. . . .
King Kong                              : “Are you ready for the first competition?”
Cindellari & P. Rakus          : “Of course wer’re ready . . . .”
King Kong                              : “The first competition is cooking competition.”

King Kong, Queen Icasia, Princess Fiona, Princess Antoinette, and Prince Harry were sitting in the dinning room. They were argue about the winner.
Prince Harry                          : “Hmm... Do you think who will be the winner?”
Queen Icasia                          : “Prince Rakus of course. He is a master cheff He must be the winner.”
Prince Antoinette                  : “What? Don’t be joking, Mom.
Queen Icasia                          : “Whatever!”
King Kong                              : “Enough! Don’t fighting! You can see it later!”


While in the kitchen, Cindellari and Prince Rakus were busy to cook. Cindellari would go to the rest room, so he left his cuisine.
Cindellari                               : “Prince Rakus, would you mind if  I entrust my cuisine to you? I wanna go to the rest room.
Prince Rakus                         : “Okay. Trust me! Don’t worry.”

When Cindellari went to the rest room, Prince Rakus had a dirty trick to defeat Cindellari. Prince Rakus put salt, sugar, pepper, teriyaki sauce, ketchup, and mayonnaise on Cindellari’s cuisine. She hopes, Cinderella’s food be come undelicious. But, accidentally She forgetted put her cuisine with salt. Then, Cindellari back to the kitchen.
Cindellari                               : “Thank you, Rakus.“
Prince Rakus                         : “Never mind. Cindellari, I saw a fly flied on your cuisine, so I expelled it. But now it’s gonna be okay.”
Cindellari                               : “Oh, thanks so much, Rakus.”

After Prince Rakus and Cindellari finished to cook, they brought their cuisines to the dinning room.
Cindellari                               : “Wish you enjoy it, Madam!”
King Kong                              : “Thank you (Try Cindellari’s cook) Emm . . . .What a yummy and sexy food it is!!! Fiona, try it. It’s delicious.”
Princess Fiona                       : “Wow, it is the most delicious I ever eat.”
Prince Rakus                         : “Its impossible. My cuisine is the most delicious. Please, try it!”
(Everyone try Rakus’ dish)
Queen Icasia                          : No, Rakus’ cuisine is the most delicious food. And Cindellari’s is far from delicious.
Princess Antoinette               : “Mom, do you have problem with your tongue? This food                                                                         is not delicious . You said  it is good?”           
Princess Fiona                       : “Yeah, Antoinette is right.”
King Kong                             : “Well, It is the time for me to decide who is the winner. The winner is………..  Cindellari. Now. The score is 1-0. Give applause for him!”
Princess Antoinette               : “Congratulation, Cindellari!”
Cindellari                               : “Thank you, Antoniette.

Queen Icasia was angry. She shouted at Prince Rakus because he couldn’t defeat Cindellari.
Queen Icasia                          : “Rakus. Rakuuuusssss... What happened with you. Why Cindellari’s food became delicious?” (angry)
Prince Rakus                         : “I’m, sorry Nyai. Oh, I mean Queen. I was put the salt, sugar, pepper, teriyaki sauce, ketchup, and mayonnaise on Cindellari’s cuisine. But I don’t know why his cuisine became delicious.”
Queen Icasia                          : “What? How stupid you are. You know, what you put on Cindellari’s cuisine just made his more delicious.
Prince Rakus                         : “Sorry Queen.”
Queen Icasia                          : “Well, Its okay. We have to make a new plan for next                                                                   competition.”

The next morning, everyone were gathering in the palace yard. King Kong would give the second competition for Cindellari and Prince Rakus.
Prince Rakus                         : “Yesterday, you said that the last competition was still secret. Well.                                              What is that?”
King Kong                             : “The third competition is running competition. Now you may start to run. 0.22222222 seconds from now!”
(Cindellari and Prince Rakus run)
Queen Icasia                          : “Come on, Rakus! Hurry up! Hurry!”
Prince Rakus                         : “Okay, okay… But, he’s so fast. I’m tired.”
King Kong                              : “Time's up!”
(Cindellari and Prince Rakus stop run)

Prince Rakus             : “I…I…I’m so sorry, Your Majesty. I couldn’t run faster because    I’m not ready. Why you didn’t tell me that the second competition is running competition?”
Queen Icasia                          : “Heyy! Why are you blame the Queen?”
Prince Rakus                         : “In fact, it was your fault!”
Queen Icasia                          : “What do you mean that it was my fault? Why do you blame me?                                                 I've helped you to make Cinderella lose!”                                                                                          (Be quiet for a while) “Oops ... “
All                                           : "Ooo ..."
Prince Harry                          : “So, it was your bad idea?”
Queen Icasia                          : “Not me! That was Prince Rakus!” (Pointing Prince Rakus)
Prince Rakus                         : “But that was the Queen’s idea!”
King Kong                              : “Enough! So I decided that the girl who will be marry the Prince                                                  is. . .  Cindellari!“
Prince Rakus                         : “No!”
Queen Icasia                          : “With a very heavy heart, I accept you to be my son in-law,                                                           Cindellar.”
Princess Fiona                       : “Finally we can together, Cindellari. “
Cindellari                               : “Yes, my princess.”
(All characters  leave the room except Prince Antonio and Cinderella)
Prince Fiona                          : “We can start a new life without disturbance from anyone.
I. . . . Love you.
Cindellari                               : "I love you full.”
            Finally, after passed various competitions, Cindellari could be Princess Fiona’s husband and they live happily ever after.
            Based on this story, we knew that the goodness beat the evil and we shouldn’t have a dirty trick in every occasion.


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